Eukaryotic like proteins

Genome: Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Taxonomyid: 511145
Class: s (p=pathogen;s=symbiont)

Domain: PF05524

Copy number in non-pathogens:
Mean=1.13 Stddev=0.87

Proteins containing this domain:

accession genenames locustags description
NP_415716.4 putative dihydroxyacetone-specific PTS enzymes: HPr, EI components
NP_416884.1 putative PTS enzyme: Hpr, enzyme I and IIA components
NP_416911.1 PEP-protein phosphotransferase of PTS system (enzyme I)
NP_417306.1 PEP-protein phosphotransferase enzyme I; GAF domain containing protein
YP_026278.1 putative PTS enzyme: Hpr, enzyme I and II components